Padam Chopra[Flutter] Using streams for asynchronous requestsExtracting streams in a passable wrapper for easier asynchronous task execution.Dec 8, 2022Dec 8, 2022
Padam Chopra[Android] Downloading and installing APKs within an appThis story covers how you can set up a downloading utility class that allows you to download application APKs from a given URL and install…Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021
Padam ChoprainThe Startup[Flutter] Pagination/Lazy Loading From Streams With FirestoreThis article covers the steps you need to follow to load data from Firestore in batches (pagination/endless scrolling) and obtain a list…Aug 5, 20201Aug 5, 20201
Padam ChopraImplementing a Bottom App Bar with Floating Action Button [Flutter]IJul 3, 2019Jul 3, 2019